Easy Banana Cake Recipe

Easy Banana Cake Recipe

dNs - Banana is an amazing fruit. It has many benefits for health and also it contains many vitamins. This is another fun way to eat banana. We can make it into a delicious banana cake. Some people know how to make it, but some don’t. So, for you who want to make this cake, here are the ingredients that we need:

The ingredients:
100 gram of bean flour (hunkwe)
175 gram sugar
125 cc coconut milk
10 bananas

First of all, cut the banana about 1 cm in slanting way. Then, melt the bean flour with a little bit of coconut milk (about a half).
After that, boil another half of coconut milk with sugar, add the melted bean flour then stir it until done. Pour the sliced bananas stir it again for a while.

After that pour the dough into a mold. Bake it in the oven until done. After done, take it out from the oven and the banana cake is ready to serve.

Download this recipe here.


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